Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Flight was delayed coming into Rome, one of the pitfalls of flying easyJet, never on time! I spent a frustrated hour trying to find my hostel before heading out that evening for a small orientation walk.

Today first stop was of course the Colosseum, avoided the “free photo” Gladiator touts.
Afterwards next door to the ruins of the Roman Empire civic center the Palentino and then lastly the Vittorio Emanuele II Monument which was just up the road.

Luckily we were here at the right time to see the Pope give his weekly audience in St Peters Square, Vatican. As everyone has to pass through security checks the Pope is free to roam the crowds requiring only an open top jeep instead of his usual popemobile.

Afterwards we wandered through the Vatican museums to end at the Sistine Chapel. No photos allowed! But that didn't stop the tourists who numbered in the hundreds versus only two screaming attendants within it.

Ended the day with a lookie inside St Peters Basicilia and a stroll along the brown green waters of the Tiber River passing by some minor landmarks including the Spanish Steps.
As we had not found anything worthwhile to do at night we went on a hostel pub crawl with 50 odd other like minded people into the wee hours of the morning.

Had to shake off the tiredness to revisit the Vatican as we forgot about going up the Michelangelo Dome. This was well worth the revisit into the Vatican. Knocked off the last few sights on my to do list in particular the Trevi fountain and Pantheon. The Pantheon makes you appreciate how advanced and grandeur the Roman civilization was in its heyday.

Last day in Rome, the pounding of pavements, standing in queues and hot hot humid weather had taken its toll. Therefore decided to have a super slow day before we both left Rome and so dusted off some sights in the south east quarter which are less busy than the main tourist traps. Surprises being the Sacred Steps and the Basilica of St. John Lateran, the mother of all churches.

If Washington DC is the city of museums then Rome is the city of churches and fountains.



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