Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Whistler - Week 1/2

I had probably done more boarding in my one week in Whistler then in the prior 3 years since I been based in Sydney. At the end I had gained some serious raccoon eyes (goggle marks) although no way near my brother Sig and improved my switch riding and even learnt the tripod (freestyle move). Whistler is amazing and I am going to miss taking the gondola just metres away from our accommodation down to the village and then taking another gondola up directly to the skifields; sure beats waking up super early to drive 14kms up a mountain road to the skifields as back home.

On my first full day in Whistler I got to see what a typical day is for Sig after waking up early for the penultimate Fresh Tracks breakfast. This is an all you can eat breakfast buffet before hitting the snow for the first runs hence the name. Was by Whistler standards a poor day but the powder is better than your typical Turoa stuff.
Hanged around the upper ski/board school hut on what would be almost daily occurrence to see what levels the students would be and depending on levels and numbers, this will determine how many instructors are required and whether I could jump on a lesson. Today Sig was not required and so he showed me some runs and immediately started to correct my rusty techniques.

On the second day here I did plan to board on what turned out to be a fine day, but my inability to open a circular combination padlock on Sig’s staff locker meant I had no board. Gave up and wandered Whistler Village instead, need a relaxing non physical day to recharge for the next few days I guess. Even had a Beavertail (a flat pastry with toppings that looks like a beavertail) for breakfast. Turned out I was opening the wrong locker, doh!

Jumped on a lesson that Sig was teaching, luckily they were all good enough that I was not bored. Still have issues with my toe-side technique though.

Rode with Sig and some of his mates, we hiked up some summit and then boarded down on fresh pow (powder). Felt nothing like back in NZ. The sensation is like floating as spray was being kicked up into my face, my right thigh started to cramp up as leaning back to keep the nose up otherwise you will sink and stall in the deep snow. Also went on the recently opened Peak2Peak gondola. This is an attraction in its own right and links Blackcomb and Whistler skifields by a spectacular hanging single span high over a valley. Topped it off with BBQ and drinks at his mates house.

Managed to get a sweet deal with Sig’s contact at Outdoor Adventures, so rode a snowmobile up and down some forest trails for just over an hour. It was fun and was gaining some confidence in getting some speed on the narrow bumpy trails. Some overconfident tourist (pom I think) understeered into ditch and so everyone behind had to stop and haul his snowmobile out of the ditch.

17/04 and 18/04
Great when your bro is a snowboard instructor, had lessons with his colleague Luke one day and then Sig the next. Lessons for me generally means riding with a group but not much more. I know where my weaknesses are and already heard the tuition enough times that I can probably talk like an instructor but not ride like one. The Telus Snow Festival also kicked off in Whistler and this meant some big air comps with skiers doing some amazing tricks, promotional stalls, concerts and sideshows.

This would be my last day boarding at Whistler but the weather was awful however did borrow an Olympus Tough camera from the promotional stall to take shots on the mountain with. You can borrow it for 4 hours and upon return they give you the pics you taken on an USB stick to keep for free. Sweet!
Later watched the final performances of the Telus Ski Big Air.


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